I think I had this grandiose idea of how much fun it would be to get out in nature with my toddler. The realities are a bit different! So, here are some of my recent reality checks and what works for us!
Dress warm, and in layers!
The weather has been really unpredictable. A few weeks ago, we had -10 and this week I saw almost 60F. Good waterproof boots(that fit!), snowsuit, hat, mittens or gloves, and a cowl is what I dress my boy in. Don’t bother putting the gloves or hat on until the boots are on. I found that if I do them first and boots last, by the time the boots are on they are back off *sigh*. Toddlers are fun! I like to use a homemade cowl because he can’t pull it off like a scarf and there is less bulk, but still enough to tuck into his suit and keep his neck warm.
Duration of play
Depending on how cold it is I aim for 20-45 minutes. If it’s warmer and we can keep busy, and keep out of things, and keep things out of his mouth (when do they stop trying to eat rocks and sticks??) 45 minutes. If he can’t STOP getting into stuff then we go in sooner and I remind myself that its okay! At least we got outside! That is something to celebrate!
What to do…
We like to walk in the woods, pick up sticks and poke EVERYTHING. I teach him about the things we see, which right now are winter green and moss. Our barn cat acts like a dog and follows us, seeing what he is up to is fun. Sometimes he will try to keep all his paws off the snow and perch on a fallen log, my boy thinks that is the opportune time to pet him and check his balance.
Now the snow is gone I’m going to teach him how to walk on fallen logs (some kids take gymnastics, this was my idea after watching a friend and her boy at a gymnastics class). The more we walk in the woods together the better he is getting at stepping over things vs. tripping. Practice and patience my friend. I will admit, both are way easier to exercise when its warmer out!
Time to go in
And this is his least favorite part. Heading inside, this is one of the few times I get a full on temper tantrum. I am working to change going in to something fun, we have chocolate milk and a snack upon coming inside. Still a work in progress! I will advise taking off the muddy boots outside!
The coldest I will take my LS out in is 20F, with the cowl his face is pretty well covered and warm so we stay out till his cheeks turn pink.
Windy days. My husband and I don’t go for nature walks on windy days due to the increased chance of a tree or branch falling and I am also going to apply this to when I take my little steward out. We are surrounded by trees, so on those really windy days our options are limited. We have a squeaky tree nearby and I’m sure it will fall soon, that is just nature being herself. Old trees come down and make room for the new ones!
Adventure gone awry
I have my little steward all bundled up and we are having a good time playing with his little sled, then I try to pull him up the hill in the deep snow and his butt isn’t heavy enough to weigh the sled down and suddenly the sled is empty and he is face first in the snow. As it was 20F not including windchill this made for a very quick trip back into the house as the snow that came into contact with his face is rapidly melting. It happens! Lesson learned. Next I tried to put a brick under his butt to help weigh him down. Also didn’t work in the 20in of snow we had. Just plain too deep for his light butt. Ah well, at least we tried and got out!