How do you start? At the beginning

As some of you may know since I first began this journey of creating Mother Nature’s Humble Steward in 2021 a lot has happened in my life. And here we are it’s now 2023…I could list all the things that have happened, good and bad that I have let hold me back from working on this, my dream. But that list won’t help me move forward. So instead I’m going try again and start at the beginning.

The lessons I’ve learned thus far

Long post take a while to perfect and get done. I need to work on shorter post and try to get them out more often. I still like Thursdays! Or was it Wednesdays? It is a bit sad I can’t even remember that!

My head is full of so many ideas, but that doesn’t do me any good if I never make time to sit down and write the post!

I want to perfect my post before hitting the live button, but sometimes it’s better to just get it live and have to make corrections later.

Just like anything in life, I can let the excuses get ahold of me- no matter how real they are; or I can find a way to get it done.

Moving forward

We make time for what is important, and I have decided this is still VERY important to me. This is my dream, and I’m not ready to give it up. So these next few months my posts might be a bit rough, but I hope to at least get them done. I still have so much to learn, but I’ll never get anywhere if I don’t take the first step.

So, if you please Big Stewards and Little Stewards-join me for a second beginning here at Mother Nature’s Humble Steward.