Exploring each new season with all your senses!

Each new season brings new adventures! Make sure to explore them to their fullest potential! With every sense you have: sight, smell, touch, hearing and don’t forget– taste!

Showing the current season: winter
Snowy wood line

I’m not saying you should go eat the snow, but you can taste the difference in the air with the different seasons. Just like each season smells different. I challenge you to step outside(seasonably bundled up!) and identify five things you can hear, five things you can feel, five things you can see, five things you can taste, and five things you can smell.

Seasonably bundled up and ready for adventure!

A challenge for you!

Does everything sound the same at your residence and the park? This is a great exercise to do with your Little Stewards! Bundle everyone up and go on a walk. Compare what you sense at different locations. See what they notice and compare it to your findings.

If your Little Stewards have a nature journals have them record their observations, making sure to note season and location. Come back after a change in seasons and compare their observations. They can also compare their observations at different locations in the same season.

Questions you could ask your Little Stewards to help get them thinking are: do the birds sound the same? What about the leaves on the trees?(if they have any), does the air smell different right after a rain?

My adventure and observations

Five things I could hear: wild birds singing, cars on the road, water rippling/flowing in the creek, wind blowing through the trees, swaying trees creaking, dog barking.

Five things I could see: flying birds, sunshine, the creek, the woods surrounding me, little bits of green grass on the creek bank.

Five things I could feel: the warm-ish wind on my face, snow crunching under my boots, the warmth of my jacket, warm sun and cool of the clouds.

Five things I could smell: horses, snow, wet earth(mud on the creek bank), decomposing trees, fresh country air.

Five things I could taste: (this one is always a little more challenging, I just do the best I can to come up with five without actually taste testing my environment) orange from my snack and snow.

Creek in the woods

Now bundle up and get outside and adventure!